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Experimental Footage & Editing

Here, I added text to my original footage and added this as a stand still slanted piece to give the illusion that it was already on the pavement.

Alpha matte - On After Effects the Alpha Matte technique is where you create a solid layer of your desired video and use writing or a shape that your original footage can bleed through.


I created this piece using two images. As you can see, I have used the galaxy image as the background and on After Effects masked around the image of the earth so that I could use that as the main focus of this edit. I blended the edges of the earth to merge into the background although I feel I could have added a higher radius as the edges of the world are still unpolished. After this I applied After Effect animation to add in my moving galaxy and flash onto the earth.

Here is a mini track created by my sister when experimenting my final projects background music.

We chose not to use this as this seemed to have more of an advert like vibe to it, then the sound we were aiming for.

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